Saturday, July 24, 2010

International tasting at Relief Society Activity

This week the branch had a Relief Society Activity and it was an International Tasting Experience!! We had food from the Philippines, from Africa, from Mexico and I made "Funeral Potatoes" which my family call "Yummy Potatoes' from the USA. Everyone seemed to like my potato dish but not particularly the name of the dish. We enjoyed every food item that was prepared but enjoyed the company even more. The Young Women were invited because school was finished this week and they are out for the next 6 weeks. They finished off with a great church movie I believe was called "One Fine Man". I had to leave early for our District Meeting but got to see some of the movie and it appeared to be great. It is always wonderful to be with the women in this branch and then to add the Young Women made it even better.
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Patrice said...

I am sure we can come up with a better title for the potatoes . . . "Ooey, Gooey, Cheesy Potatoes"

linda crandall said...

Ok! Yumm!! I love those potatoes. I agree they need a better name...package of gooey cheesy goodness?