Sunday, February 21, 2010

Transfer Day

We had the privilege of going to Mission headquarters this week at the request of our mission president and participate in "transfer day". They rent buses to pick up the missionaries that are being transferred or are new since the last transfer and take them to mission headquarters. I can not explain to you how amazing it was to be with these dedicated young people and hear them share their gospel experiences. My camera went dead and I was unable to get further pictures of the trip but what an amazing day. We saw missionaries who had served together previously greet each other with such love and excitement & we heard inspiring remarks from our mission president and his wife. The new missionaries stood up on a ramp an were introduced telling everyone where they came from and where they were assigned to serve. We were part of the new group since they had not done this since we came out. The cheers we all received made us feel we could do anything with the Lord as our partner!!!!
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1 comment:

Patrice said...

Sure builds your testimony, eh? Those young men just ooze with the spirit.