Saturday, February 6, 2010

Our great Branch President and his family

This past Tuesday after our flat inspection in Haverfordwest, we had a yummy dinner with the Branch President and his wife and their children. We love to spend time with them because of the great spirit they have in their home and the food is always awesome and the company even better. President Williams had to rub it in a little because his favorite football team is the New Orleans Saints and they whipped the Arizona Cardinals for a place in the Super Bowl. Good Luck Saints!!! President Williams cooks with his wife Theresa wearing his Welch apron with the red dragon on it. Maybe that's what makes the food taste so good but I really think Theresa is the secret ingredient. Their children's names are Gareth, Ross and Martha and all are remarkable. We spent a FHE with them once and at the end of it they all reviewed the goals they each individually set for the year. Very impressive I must say. I get to teach Ross in Primary and he'll be a great leader in the church one day as will the other two children--just like their Mom and Dad. Martha came and sat by me in Sacrament Meeting last Sunday and I felt like I had one of my grandchildren with me. It really warmed my heart. On the first night when we arrived in Carmarthen, Gareth came with his Dad to greet us along with the Deacon's quorum president. These young priesthood leaders
here take their callings seriously!! We love this branch!!
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