Saturday, February 6, 2010

Oscar Night in Merthyr Tydfil Wales Stake

I couldn't choose which picture to include so I put all three in my blog. This was such a fun night. Each ward or branch video taped a show they had made up and we viewed them all and then Academy Awards were given. Our Branch won "Best Animated Show" and I believe the other was for "Best Effects". It was cleverly created. The most fun however was just watching the youth enjoy each other. We gave Allissia and her boy friend a ride there and they seemed to have a lot of fun with their friends. It was evident that the Carmarthen youth are the leaders in our stake. I am so proud of them!!! They simply are the BEST!!!!
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1 comment:

Patrice said...

Man, that could be a picture of the youth just about anywhere in the world. I have a feeling we are more alike than we know!