Friday, September 10, 2010

A Magical Correction to a Mistake

Elder Crandall and I were in England on Monday doing flat inspections and when we were in Yates we were only a mile from where his ancestor, Elder John Crandall originated from. Therefore we decided to stay overnight and see the sites. We have not taken a day off in 9 months and wanted to celebrate the half way mark of our mission. Elder Crandall had made hotel reservations but when we were telling the elders about them, they said. "Do you know that hotel is out of our mission?" Oh dear--wanting to be obedient, we canceled our reservation and opened the little phone book that we found in Yates. There were a two star and a four star hotel available within a few miles. We checked out the two star hotel and it looked like a hotel out of a horror movie. So we decided to go to the four star hotel. How about this converted CASTLE!!! Wow, see what obedience does for you. It was delightful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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Patrice said...

Love it! I hope you enjoyed your "day off."

Love you, too! :o)

linda crandall said...

What an awesome trip to England! How neat to stand where our ancestors were. Dad was probably in heaven!!

Amy said...

Wow!! What a gorgeous place!

ahummer said...

I am Elder Hummer's mum- Thanks for doing your blog!! We love seeing all the places you go and the things you post about each week. As for the castle- It was a wonderful spot that you ended at. The castle looks so interesting. I want to be sure to go there myself one day. Funny how things work out when we follow our nose and follow the rules at the same time. The area about the grounds looks wonderful. Sort of like a great Honeymoon spot for you two.