Saturday, September 4, 2010

Family Home Evening With Mandy and Brandon

We had Family Home Evening with Mandy and Brandon this week. Elder Hummer our District Leader taught the lesson on the importance of scripture reading and pray. He had Brandon put 7 days of toothpaste on his toothbrush and then brush his teeth for 7 minutes. He then asked Brandon if that would keep his teeth clean for the rest of the week. Of course Brandon said no and then Elder Hummer liken this example to reading the scriptures and pray and that we need daily scripture study and pray just like we need daily tooth brushing. It was most effective. Then Elder Hummer and his companion, Elder Elgin played rugby in the back yard with Brandon and his friend. It was a delightful evening with the elders, Brandon, Mandy, and her friends.
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1 comment:

linda crandall said...

What a neat way to teach about daily scripture study.