Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Dinner in Wales

We had the Elders and Sisters from our district to our home in Wales over for Thanksgiving dinner. So many of them helped in the kitchen and with the clean up and that made it feel so much like home. How we love these young valiant servants of the Lord who are so strong, so diligent, so obedient, and so faithful. I feel humble just being in their presence. This district has become like a family and we are so grateful to be their adopted grandparents. We love everyone of them. Thanks so much, Elders and Sisters for making our Thanksgiving away from home so wonderful. A special thanks goes also to the wonderful Branch President, President Williams and his lovely wife, Theresa. He gave us A & W Root Beer which is a rarity here and his wonderful wife made two pumpkin pies. I had looked everywhere for pumpkin and couldn't find any and she surprised us by having some pumpkin in her freezer and making the pies. Both were a hit with everyone!!!! We love you both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Cory said...

Brother and Sister Crandall,
Thank you so much for feeding our son (Elder Larsen) such a great Thanksgiving dinner!
Brother Larsen

linda crandall said...

It was nice to hear all the friendly voices at your place when I called. I'll have to admit it made me cry becaue I wasn't there :(. But we will make up for it when you get home:). We sure love and miss you both!