Friday, August 6, 2010

Dinner with President and Sister Ogden

Tonight President and Sister Ogden took Elder Crandall and I out to dinner to a Chinese restaurant on the marina right behind the elders' flat in Swansea. It was a delightful evening as we reviewed with our President what we have been doing so far on our mission. There is another senior couple coming to our mission who will be doing the same thing we are doing but in England and they have asked us to train them in what we have been doing. They seemed very pleased with our work and needless to say our ride home to Carmarthen was a joyous one. We love our work with the Saints here in Wales.
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Patrice said...

:o) Thought about you again today. It seems like whenever I do temple work I do names from England.

linda crandall said...

I couldn't think of a better couple to train. You both are awesome examples!