Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Can you believe that I have been called to be the Ward Young Women's President???!!!! I haven't been sustained yet so please don't say anything to anyone in our ward or stake--probably don't know anyone there but just to be safe. I'll be sustained on Sunday. Rich said that serves me right for not looking my age and when he called the other day he asked how the oldest YW President in the church is doing. Oh dear--I hope I can do this. Actually I am excited and have bought every book there is that deals with Young Women's and have spent hours studying. It has changed a lot since I was in the thick of it before. I have thought only Relief Society for several years. I will be going to camp as a Cabin Mom so if any of you have some tips regarding this let me know. When I went before I was the Stake YW President and we stayed in the lodge. I think being cabin Mom is the hardest of all callings at camp. Please remember this old woman in your prayers.


linda crandall said...

You'll do great mom! Yeah YW has changed, but the basic gospel principals are there and if you just rely on the Lord you'll do always do!

Allyson said...

Nah.....cabin moms are cool. Just have fun! You will do a wonderful job, as always!

Marilyn said...

Old? You OLD? Linda-you will be dancing on the cots with those girls in the middle of the night...ha really you will be great. Sometimes I think it is better to have "older" YW presidents anyway

Kaylene said...

I agree with Rich! You look so young that the bishop just forgot your real age. Don't even worry about it mom! You may be a bit over 40, but I have a hard time keeping up with you! You will be awesome!

Lori said...

Aunt Linda, you will be great! I love you and think you are amazing! The young women will love you! You have so many fun ideas and love the youth.