Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ally and justin showed us a video Sunday of how they made a Gingerbread House at Christmas time at her mother's. It was soooooooooo funny--they used caulking guns and nails and who know what else to hold it together! Anyway as the credits were being given for the marvelous production that we had just viewed, the announcement of their upcoming child was part of the credits. They always have the most clever way of announcing their pregnancies and the sex of their babies. How I love my children and most of all my grandchildren. Ashley is running for 7th grade office right now and I am praying for her, Melissa has an amazing job interview coming up and we find out tomorrow whether Ruel passed the Bar. I've got a lot of praying to do so better sign off for today.


Patrice said...

It is fun to read your blog page. Wow, you have really impressed me . . . I need you to teach me how to do it now!

Allyson said...

Tomorrow for the bar? I'd forgotten, I'll pray for that too!!!

kristie said...

Good job mom! I was waiting to see if you would post again. We are doing better. I still have a cough, and feel like I have no energy. Joe is trying to get over jet lag. He has been up at 4 or 5 am every day this week.

linda crandall said...

Hey you made it to your second blog!!! Wow Ruel hears today! Hope all goes well... let us know.

Well... not feeling well I better go.

Love all that you do for us!!

Lisa said...

I am so glad you are blogging!! Yeah!! Keep us updated on Ruel and all the other adventures in your life. Love you tons! Lisa